Stress is the mere thing of the brain
Then Why does drive me insane?
Why does it always get me?
Why do i let it consume me?
What should i do i am falling for you?
You are some where i am not
That is the reason i cry a lot
When you drove away
There was nothing i could say
Everyday i waited for your letter
To make me feel a lil bit better
But when it came i went insane
I wish i told u i loved you
Maybe then u would love me to
You could have been next to me
Because now i broken cant you see?
Maybe in the month of May
I'll see you soon again some day
Should i take the first slit?
To make this all be it
This shit makes me sad
Should i attempt the one thing everyone says is bad
Moments have passed and i sit here with a knife asking if this is right
I wish i told u i loved you
Maybe then u would love me to
You could have been next to me
Because now i broken cant you see?
Maybe in the month of May
I'll see you soon again some day
Its been a week since my attempt my love for you as like the dryer loves lint
There is still no light to show me the way
Because its not the month of May
And my wrist are still bare
Why is this so unfair?
Today is the day
This is so gay
I am feeling so week
There are know tears to roll down my cheek
I wish i told u i loved you
Maybe then u would love me to
You could have been next to me
Because now i broken cant you see?
Maybe in the month of May
I'll see you soon again some day
Today i feel more confident with this knife
I dig the knife into my flesh
please some one wish me the best
I do it again
As i slowlly watch the blood ooze from my veins
I can tell you now i am on my way
To come and meet you up in heaven
Though it is not May....
*whispers* "I arrived early but this will give me time to make you mine"