Emotions, Emotions, Emotions!

by Tonyel   Mar 4, 2006

Every day the emotions
swing wildly to and fro
Where did our love go, why did it die,
why did you have to go?

Every time I think of you
confusion runs throughout me
Love, hate, anger, "who cares"
I never know what it'll be

I know that I once loved you
I probably still do now
But after all that's happened
I'm not sure if I know how

Sometimes I want you back with me
to again hold you close
Then other times I couldn't care less
plus that's the path you chose

Then all I feel is angry
because how you said good bye
Once again my emotions swing
and I might even cry

Another swing might happen
to be so sad that day
And another one that afternoon
not to miss you in any way

But in the midst of all this
wild emotional ride
There's one emotion that's consistent
I will love you till the day I die.


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