No More Fights

by JussxAxNobody   Mar 4, 2006

Solitude, emptiness, I'm a lost cause.
I start all the fights for no reason at all.
How could I be such a fool?
I reject the only good thing left in my life.
The only one who has always been there . . . And always will.
Every fight is dagger into my heart, a gun to my head, and a spear thru my chest.
No more weapons!
I want this to stop.
But wait, its me!
I'm the cause of this mess.
Do I end the fights or end the cause...


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  • 18 years ago

    by innocentcrybaby

    Just end the cant end the cause if its you..that would be like killing yourself...which wouldnt be cool...

    innocent crybaby*

  • 19 years ago

    by fallenangeltears

    Good drew. love the heart in it...sorry you're feeling such sadness tho:(
    love you

  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    good poem i like it.