What love can do...

by loves lost angel   Mar 4, 2006

Lips to lips
in a bloody kiss
your touch your gaze
i dearly miss
so ill take this blade
hold it high
show you all
I'm ready to die
3 days later
in my coffin bed
laying there lifelessly
cold and dead
because you broke my heart
how you did make me cry
you're the reason
why i chose to die


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  • 19 years ago

    by Alyssa

    It sounded like someone was trying to cummit suicide but honeslty thats not the right way to end your problems. I tryed that once but you know what i realized that theres more to life and there alot of fish in the sea :D

  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    Wow!!! this poem is amazing!!!
    it describes how i feel so well.

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