I miss you....plz come home

by Becca   Mar 4, 2006

I have not talked to you for what seems like years,
I have shed so so many tears,
I want to hear your voice again,
But now you're locked up away,
I miss you I miss you I miss you,
I'm afraid you'll throw us away,
So you're in a physce ward,
That I understand,
But why do you keep acting up,
Don't you want to see me again?
Threatening to hurt yourself cause your parents get so mad,
Might be entertaining to you but it makes me oh so sad,
Because I can't see you or speak to you,
I can only write a stupid email,
I can't say words I want to say,
Cause then they'll never tell,
You that I wrote that email,
This past week has been dreadful,
I don't know what to do,
I have finally realized,
I am nothing without you,
It seems to have rained everyday,
Since you went away,
The skies are so gray at night I satanically pray,
Pray you will come to your senses,
Pray you'll pretend like you care,
Finally talk to your parents,
So then you can come home with me here,
I don't know how long you'll be gone,
Or if you will ever come back,
But promise me please,
Don't put our love in a sack,
And throw it away
Cause I still love you,
In each and every way,
If you never come back,
i guess ill just slowly die,
I better be going now for I am starting to cry....


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