
by Emma   Mar 5, 2006

She tries so hard and no one sees,
Sees the perfect person she tries to be.
She breaks down once and its a crime,
She promises she'll hide her pain next time.
People don't realize the force of their pressure,
They don't realize that she's a treasure.

Her mother is the worst, expects the world,
Too much to ask from one simple girl.
She’s always pleasant and gets good grades,
Never talks back and always obeys,
But oh no, that’s not enough,
She has to be perfect to earn Mommy’s love.

Of course, there’s more than just Mommy dear,
There’s a matter of school and a matter of peers.
They judge her every chance they get,
They’ve judged her ever since they met.
She’s not going to be perfect but it’s worth a try,
This way she’ll have a goal to live by.

She's awfully lonely and bitterly cold,
She wants someone amazing to hold.
She wants someone who will believe he has the world,
He has her, the most wonderful girl.

Obviously her wish will never come true,
So trying even harder is all she can do.
She'll never be enough, that she knows,
But she'll keep smiling until her sadness shows.
Every time she smiles, I see a frown,
Every time she looks up, she's really looking down,
She wipes her face lined with mascara tears,
She says she was laughing if anyone hears,
Hears her sobs of pain behind the closed door,
If they hadn't come in, she could've cut some more.

People just don't understand what words can do,
A simple gesture or hug, too.
She's unappreciated with bloodshot eyes,
She's unappreciated and formed of lies.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Frumuasa Jessica

    Wow thats really deep!
    keep up the good work missey <3

  • 18 years ago

    by Catherine

    Wow, this poem was so sad! I remember when I first got appreciated for writting poetry. Not to long ago I got an award in school for it. It's sad when someone is ignored, and no one sees how amazing they are.
    You are really tallented! You use good grammer, and you use correct spelling, etc.

  • 18 years ago

    by ENTROPY

    Amazing, i cant even muster up words to say how good this is, probably the best i've ever read. great job, its how i feel exactly. i dont know how you do it, but keep on.there for you

  • 18 years ago

    by xxMagioxx

    This is a great poem indeed, lots of emotional feelings in it. I can so relate this to my life

    Totally a 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by BlAcK TaNgLeD HeArT

    Wow. thats really all i can say. i relate to this poem so much and it brings everything back to reality when i read it.:'( its a great poem. well done 5/5 keep writing..
