
by SaMmE!   Mar 5, 2006

Driving down the road, a little to fast but hey everyone drives fast
lets race that car I here you say
all right
Music blaring gas pedal to the ground
faster faster we all scream
lost control the tire blows
the sickening sound of twisted metal fills my ears
there are screams but then slince
erie silence
Why aren't you crying Doug? Why aren't you screaming?
are you not hurt?
I try to open my eyes but the blood is to thick
is everyone ok?
I here the sirens down the street
Oh God hurry up!
Only two of us are in ambulances
someone's lying on the ground, covered with a death sheet
NO! I hear my self scream
he's not hurt!
They shut the doors


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  • 18 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon

    Yo dis Dean love dis babe almost made me cry

    oxoxox 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Leah

    Hey good job!

  • 19 years ago

    by gabriela

    So sad...reminds me of "IF"

  • 19 years ago

    by cathylee

    YOU are strong, your are loved, and you are worth it! always remeber that