
by Theo   Mar 5, 2006

Let's escape to a paradise and never come back.
Let's escape to the peak of every cloud and spend the rest of our lives together.
Let the glorious sun melt our bodies together and our souls can grow wings and we will fly to a place where tears can never fall from our eyes.
Let's lie together in the grass by the river and you can touch my hand and we can embrace our love, and trap ourselves in this moment as we confess our emotions to the blue sky. O, that blue sky.
Rest your head on my chest so I can catch the scent of your hair and reminisce of the best moments spent with you.
Let's escape to this paradise. And never come back.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ash Kat08

    Is there a paradise? if there is let me know where, in our own hearts and minds or forever in the distance? sorry poetic comment lol my bad.. lol good job