
by chipman007   Mar 5, 2006

Homework is such a drag
You'd rather be eaten a plastic bag
No t.v. your mom, says
No phone says your pa
Sharpen that pencil
Clear that stencil
All you want to do is fall
Down and die

Lets put it off for another day
Lets go outside and play
Screw homework
What am I?
Some kindof dork?

Mom asks you
Do you have any?
You say no way
Then you go and play
Tommorow though, I better see
Some homework or you'll be sorry
Well whateva you think
In class you stink the bomb
When its to late
And the due date
Was yeasterday!

Lets put it off for another day
Lets go outside and play
Screw homework
What am I?
Some kindof dork?

Oh shit!
It\'s due next day!
And your scrambling to get it done
While all week long you shouldve been
Working while you were having fun
Parents ask "When is it due"
You say tommorow
They say "You should've followed
Our directions"
Tsk tsk tsk
Damnit you say
As you work away
At somthing
That was due yesterday...

Lets put it off for another day
Lets go outside and play
Screw homework
What am I?
Some kindof dork?


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