One Cut, Two Cut

by chipman007   Mar 5, 2006

People cut because it takes the pain away
People do it to make the world go away
But they dont realize
That they're just scaring their lives
For more to come
Oh, wait Im not done
Anything they can get their
Hands, on fair
Game is the way they play
No pain, no game
Is the way
They say

Cut Once, Cut twice
Dont forget to bring a Knife
Number Three, Four
Dont forget to close the door

Slicing and dicing
Is the very pricey
Way of dealing with things
But what it brings
Is relief
Well, I may then
But what about a ten year old
Learning for days old
She asks "Whats that are you wrist?"
You say "It's none of your business"
Well when shes 13
She'll be a teen
And she'll react on that
And just like that
She's dead...

Cut Once, Cut twice
Dont forget to bring a Knife
Number Three, Four
Dont forget to close the door

I know this may make you sad
But this actually makes me mad
Thinking how can people do this
It's clearly just gonna make people piss
Out tears
All fears
Will lead to there
No repair
For society now
We're all screwed now
Not unless we change
The way, we
Act to some situations
Just have some patience
And wait for the next day
And it might not be the same way....

Cut Once, Cut twice
Dont forget to bring a Knife
Number Three, Four
Dont forget to close the door
Five, Six
Dont pick up my sticks
Seven, Eight
Help me before its to late
Nine, Ten
Before Im dead....


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kurt

    Its origninal.. The message is clear and its emotional too. Good job.