Love You Miss You Im Sorry

by AngelEyez89   Mar 5, 2006

I'm dying in the dark,
And you can't see me.
I'm so cold, so damn cold,
And you won't even warm me.
I'm feeling the pain so strongly now,
And I can't even breathe,
You're not my oxygen anymore,
So every breath I take is one less breath of life.
I'm all alone and yet I see so many people,
We used to be there for each other,
Now time and stress has swept us away,
We're not even the same people.

I can see you lighting up their worlds,
And I'm so jealous.
Because they have my angel,
And now I've no protection, no reason to keep going.
You walk up to me...then straight past,
I've become invisible.
You've become their light,
And now I'm a nothing, I'm your nothing.

I sit at home and I cry,
I slash out my pains,
I scratch out my eyes and their stupid visuals,
I push my feelings heavier down into my heart...and now it's about to explode.

I'm sleeping when suddenly I hear sobbing,
And it's not's you.
You're nowhere near me but I feel you,
I feel you tearing slowly apart.
I can feel you all by yourself,
Lying alone in the dark,
Clinging to your teddy,
With it's delicate head, bobbing slightly.

You call out to me,
And think I can't hear you,
I can.
I can hear you, I can feel you.
I can see through you,
I can feel for you.
And now I'm dying for the both of us.

Tears fall down my face...your tears.
My heart beats fast and painfully...your heart.
My soul starts to stretch then split...your soul.
I look into the mirror and gasp at the beautiful disaster...your disaster.

I'm selfish.
I'm selfish and too demanding.
It wasn't always like this.
And I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

I place my hand on the mirror and feel your cold, clammy hands,
I can see your chipped nail polish and a sad smile spreads across my face.
I don't know much anymore but I do know this.
I love you,
I miss you
And I want to try.

(you may not understand this but i would appreciate it if you could comment anyway. thanks so much.)


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