Best Friends

by Karrie   Mar 6, 2006

I have these Best Friends
Who usually leave me out.
They talk their little secrets
That I have no idea about.

I want to be a part of things,
But you just cant accept who I am.
I'm sorry I cant be ghetto,
Trendy, preppy, or glam.

I know I'm not perfect.
I'm not the greatest friend.
But I would have been someone
Who stuck around till the end.

I'm so sick of getting stepped on,
Taken for granted all the time.
Getting used and abused,
I'm done with saying Its fine.

I know I have problems
That no one can amend.
But I wish there was someone
Who would my name defend.

I hate all the drama
About gossip and boys.
You don't treat them like people,
You treat them like toys.

You shouldn't be dating,
You know its not right.
So why are you doing it,
Then get in a fight?

I cant stand all the talks
About what I need to do.
Have you ever looked into the mirror,
To see the real you?

You're a hypocrite, a jerk.
You're always yelling at me.
Don't know who you think you are,
Think you're the boss of me?

I'll do what I want.
I don't care what you think.
You can do what you want,
Cause I'm on the brink.

Of leaving this friendship.
I'm sick of it all.
I cant stand talking to you.
Besides, you never call.

So be careful how you act,
Cause I'm about ready to leave.
If you don't change your way,
One less friend is what you'll achieve.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lydia

    OMG 5/5 i love this poem its excatly what i'm feeling at the moment and it helps

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