I will never truly leave you.

by Becky   Mar 6, 2006

It's not just the memories
or the sleep overs

it's the felling of comfort
you always seem the bring

I'm gonna miss you so much
I'll miss making eye contact
not voicing a single word
but yet saying a million

I've never been this close to anyone
so close we are one in the same,
yet we are far from alike

I can manage to leave the rest
but you don't fit in that category
leaving you would be like
trying to leave half my body
and trying to live that way
I will surely die

there is no way, I could ever truly leave you
I will always be there
by your side , and right behind you

you've made a friend for life
I will be with you always
in your mind and heart my essence will stay

you've never let me down
and have been there when I was high and low

I love you more than life itself
for if it not for you
I would not have one

anything, and everything,
is what I would do for you

I'll love you till the world ends
and even then, I'll find a way,
to show you I care

because forever you'll have
a special place in my heart
with your very own hall way
and a special plaque that says
" The one who truly understands"

This is dedicated to my best friend Theresa, I love her so much she is forever and always my Twin. I am moving and it sucks, I don't know what I am going to do without her. Please comment , it would mean alot to me. lots of love *~*Becky*~*


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  • 19 years ago

    by NicholasRyan

    Wow becky, Words can't even explain you, You have so much talent with words. Your so amazing, You have great imbision..You shouldnt be jealous of me. You have all the awards I dont. well I will talk to you later when I can. when I write you number now. So Yeah my phones still not fixed but I will talk to you later, Great write really great. and I miss you too..
    But yeah ttyl

    ♥ Nick ♥

  • 19 years ago

    by NicholasRyan

    Becky becky becky your greatly written poems I love so much keep it up.You have so much talent.

    ttyl Nick