More than Just a smile

by Kathy   Mar 6, 2006

Imperfection is all I see,"Your beautiful!" "Your nice!" but imperfection takes control of me!
People take in only what can be seen with the eyes but not what they can take in from the heart, what may seem like a beautiful work of art is more like a car wreck from the start.With every smile and every laugh its overwhelms me how that can hide the pain within even though they say lying is a sin but that simple sin hides what lies whats going on inside but a sin is what helps gets you by.Take a second look when you see in a person don't just look on the outside take a look at the imperfection thats lercking. Though I may seem like I'm fine you just don't understand whats really
hurting me inside, when all I do is cry. With all "perfect" image of what a girl should be, how could anyone accept what I truly see.Look at me, tell me what you see a fragment of joy, a glimpse of happiness?am I something that you would consider beautiful more or less?What is better, a lie that draws a smile, or a truth that draws a tear?I'm Broken but I can't let that be seen I have to act like the pieces are placed perfectly together, always seem happy
through the good and the bad weather. As I continue to taste my own self destruction I turn to a smile while my whole world crumbles and all I feel is the hurting. Remember it's only a smile not the truth, because I'm truly dying inside and no one knows, I'm just a beautiful suicide. Isn't it amazing what a mer smile can hide?

I really need yall to comment this! I barely wrote it right now, by the way thats not what I really feel I was just simply writing a poem.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kathy

    I really need yall to comment this! I barely wrote it right now, by the way thats not what I really feel I was just simply writing a poem.