How you gonna wash the blood from your hands daddy..

by Ashley   Mar 6, 2006

Tears in my eyes..
Lonely nights..
Chained in my room
Knees on the ground
Captured in my own house
By my sweet mother in disguise..

Surviving all on my own..
Seeing you in the mirror..
Blink, and then your gone..
Painful reality, I'm still alone

Complicated questions asked,

Daddy why you ain't here?
Daddy why you left me with her?
Daddy, why is it me you fear?
How you gonna wash the blood from your hands,

From all the bloody tears I cried..
because of all my fears..
All the deep cuts I made..
How you gonna wash the blood from your hands

From my suicide..

Please comment and rate my poem.. I'll return the favor .


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  • 18 years ago

    by Spitfire

    From al the bloody tears I cried..

    that is direcrtly from ur poem
    and i thoguht it was supose to say ALL not AL

  • 18 years ago

    by Spitfire

    A little advice first,
    the last verse its suposed to say all and it say al
    that was a great poem
    awesome job
    dont take anything less

  • 19 years ago

    by Tasha

    I really liked this poem a lot, and how you worded the blood and tears. 5/5. :)