Your So Far Away

by Sarah Ashley   Mar 6, 2006

This summer was pure bliss
but now its you I miss
I saw you today
but you seemed so far away
What is wrong with you
Why is your mind so astray

I saw that you left a note in my locker
It said not to call
It said you would be away
but I just crumpled the note into a ball
Then preceded to walk down the hall

Later that day I called your cell
Thats when my heart crushed and fell
She answered and said "Why are you calling my boyfriend?"
I started to cry thinking that my heart would never mend

I confront you the next day
You deny it and thats all you have to say
I am still not convinced
My once strong heart is now minced
I wait at your locker
to tell you that I cant do this anymore
Then I quietly walk out the door

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  • 19 years ago

    by Synh

    In your second stanza, you didnt rhyme the first line? Or did I miss something? Anyawy, I loved your last two lines.
    'I wait at your locker to tell you I can't this anymore
    I quietly walk out the door' or something along those lies. COMPLETE HOTNEEEEEEEEESS!!!!! lol