From My Heart

by Amy   Mar 7, 2006

It is almost time to leave here
The time is fading fast
All I keep praying
Is somehow it will last

Our friendship once so strong
Seems to be withering away
But I will never let you go
For you are in my heart to stay

Though our time together was regretfully short
You have left a mark on me
A part of you is in my heart
And so it shall always be

Our differences never mattered before
But it seems like you are avoiding me now
My love for you will never cease
That has always been my vow

I will keep on praying
That my instincts might be wrong
That you will decide to stay with me
For you always made me strong

But if our ways must really part
I will never stop missing you
Always grieving for what we lost
Wishing our friendship could be renewed

So if our roads should cross again
You will be greeted with much love
We will hug and cry and laugh again
And thank our God above.

**Dedicated to: Stephanie Pratt my very close friend and soon to be ex-roommate :(**


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ashley Morris

    Good job Amy. 5/5 keep it up

    love ya

  • 19 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Very good, Baby Girl! So heartfelt and touching. I wish I could help you through this rough time...

    You know where to find me :)


    ~Mama Ann