If the destiny is written in advance, its author is pure evil
I am at the edge of the insanity when it is the hour to go to sleep
My thoughts are centered at precise time of the past
As soon as I am alone,
It would be said that it watch me
The Loneliness, the pain and the suffering
That is associated with the loss of someone close to me
My happiest moments are the least appreciated ones
It is hard during my joy to find my reality
My sorrows, of which I finally believed been forgotten
Returned once more, to haunt my days
My knees ran up against the ground where my tears already felt
Once more the life decided to punish me
In the same manner, to wound me
To recall me that I am only shade and dust
In front of the things that I don't accept
That I don't understand
That I must live my life
It's the law and I don't have the choice
Unfortunately once more the destiny has decider to push me
To force me toward a single way
A deadly trap full of ambush where await an unquestionable end
The days are passing and I can't see the end
In spite of my will, I am not the only one under my condition
Days after days more and more people join the ranks
Going straight to hell for unknown reasons
None of us can be saved by anyone
Because an evil guy decided it was good
To drop us here;
Sometimes I rage against the skies
To keep their eyes close
To keep the time running
To be only a simple witness
To be kept quiet
If the destiny is written in advance, its author is pure evil
I am at the edge of the insanity and it is time to go to sleep