For u

by drowing in my own misery   Mar 7, 2006

Why do you always do this to me,cant you see i had enough .Do you even care.Its not like i have a brick wall in front of me reflecting all the words u trow at me.It's not supposed to hurt this way,But i need you,Just tell me if u need me.Tell me everything you feel.You never speak your true mind always lies.Do you even ever really look at my heart or just look past that into the darkness of life,because you won't find love or answers staring and ignoring me like you do.I'm standing right in front of you,don't be blind.Just open your eyes am right here.I need to hear your voice and see all your emotions.Just tell me how you really feel its not that hard just let the words flow from your mouth.Do you need time?Because you have wasted enough staring into the blankness of the sky.Never once did you really look into my eyes and tell me you love me usually you just write them in the air and let the wind blow them away expecting to catch a glimpse with my eyes.Well I'm sorry to say I'm not that quick and i need the real words to fill my heart i need the the real you to fill my love.How can i give my soul and love to a complete stranger,how can i love you if you cant love me.You say i don't care about you.You say i don't love you.Have you ever heard yourself say to me once that you really love me.If so i must of missed it.If you really cared you would talk to me tell me everything about your life.But still you just stare at me as to say "who are you?".Well today its going to be different either you give your heart to me and tell me how you really truly feel or i take mine and leave.Then you will never know how much i really loved you or never know all the memories u'll be missing out on.All you have to do is give me one simple reason to stay with you.You know how much i love you and would hold you in my arms forever,but show me what i show you.As i turn to walk away you grab my arm gently and small tear drops fall down your cheeks.I take my hand and wipe them away so i can see your beautiful eyes again and as you take your first words you say "I love you,and always will.Your my everything and your my soul without you i will decay within seconds like a flower in the burning sun".Finally you have expressed something that made me feel so special.Now i can give you my heart and trust you forever and when i need love i can turn to u.I will always remember this moment as it was my last memory frozen in time and treasure it for years to come.Because when love is real never leave be because if you really love somebody never keep your feelings inside riping away their souls your just causing them more pain and frustration and no love to follow through.Show them you really care and you that they mean the world to you.Or one of these days with a blink of an eye they'll be gone and they'll never know how you really did truly feel if you don't you just wasted a moment and wasted precious time of someones life that could of been truly real.


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  • 19 years ago

    by husbandlover

    Hey this is very,very long but im glad i took my time to read it.i love this its really great.i love they way u xpressed ur feelings toward everythin.sumx's i feel like im like dat 2 my bf but this poem has made me realize that i need 2 show him that i really do love him b4 he slips out of my life.i thank you very much.keep writing,5/,faerie

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