
by lovehurts   Mar 7, 2006

I tend to feel real empty
i don't know why I'm sad
things aren't always that great
but there never really that bad
i usually make such a big deal
out of such stupid things
i usually loose the ones i love
because i assume to many things
i don't know why i cannot trust
or why i wont let anyone in
i think its cause Ive learn to doubt
and to live in fear of sin
i don't know why i just cant let go
of things that happened in the past
its just i tend to hold on
to the memories of things that didn't last
i believe its just cause I'm scared
of ending up alone
i don't want to be one of those girls
who sits and crys by the phone
i just wish someone could see me
for the person i really am
not some negative and depressed person
who just wont let anyone in.


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  • 18 years ago

    by katie

    Wow ur work is great.......ur in touch wif it alright...keep up the gud work
    xoxox katie

  • 19 years ago

    by amber
