Hey Mom,
I'm writing to you not only to tell you that I hate you, but to ask you how you feel. How could you be so stupid? Sometimes I sit and wonder what it would be like if I had a mother,a family, but then I remind myself, I don't want you as a mother. My grandma is more of a mother than you will ever be. I just want you to know that I think of you as a worthless person who has messed up my life forever. When I have kids, I will be the greatest mother ever. I won't hurt my kids, I won't use them for my pleasure and I sure as hell wont let anything happen to them. I will actually love them. If there was ever a way to explain how much pain you put me through, that wouldn't even be enough. Everytime I see a mother and daughter I think,"I wish I had that." I will never know what it feels like to experience the mother daughter relationship, and it hurts like a knife opening a wound thats been just healed. My feelings for you consist of hatred. Even if I could turn back time, I wouldn't want you in my life. You dont understand. Nothings going to change the things that you did. Its so hard writing you this letter when all I want to do is watch you die and burn in hell. I think about you all the time. I try to erase all of the memories of you. All the letters, phone calls, and pictures, but they just wont go away. I'd give anything to forget you. Anything at all. I have nothing else to say to you accept...I'm sorry if my words hurt you but the truth hurts. See I'm not like you, I actually do care.
Love Shelly
*my mother sexually molested me when i was a baby and im trying to get the nerve to send this to her...do u think i should? *