She's lost,
depresses and ready to snap
I tell her that she is my friend.
I love her.
He wriste are bleeding and i dont know what to do.
I wish i could heal.
Take away the sorrow.
She is my best Friend.
Lost in this world.
If I lost her..
Who would i draw with,
Write with,
Be with.
She is one of the only that care.
If I lost her.
Then life would be black and cold.
She is a tad bit on the weird side,
Just like me.
But we get along like we have known eachother for years.
I wish she knew,
Hom much she ment to me.
She is my sister,my friend,my dearest.
Losting your friend,
Would be like losting yourself.
Dont leave now.
I will heal your sorrow,
cover your wriste.
Keep your secrets.
And hold you forever.