If tomorrow never comes

by joleen   Mar 8, 2006

If tomorrow never comes
would u still leave me alone?

If tomorrow never comes
would u still hate me to the bone?

If tomorrow never comes
would u forgive me all the thing I did?

If tomorrow never comes
Would confess u wanted me being the mother of Ur kids?

tomorrow never comes
would u say " I LOVE YOU Plz be mine?"

If tomorrow never comes
would everything turn out fine?

If tomorrow never comes
Would u take back all the heartbreaking things u said?

If tomorrow never comes
would u apologize 4 treating me so bad?

Just tell me what u would do if tomorrow never comes.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Chavez

    0MG i L0VE DiZ S000 MUCH!!!

  • 18 years ago


    I like it. veryy good!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Cuddles

    Very deep and thought provoking. Awesome job!

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