Do u really?

by Ashy   Mar 8, 2006

I wish I could tell u all that I feel. I wish u knew what I was thinking. You say you love me but do you really? I just don't get that melting feeling anymore when you tell me you do.

You told me she didn't mean anything to you. She was just some other girl. Your excuse was you felt sorry for her but did you really? I wish I could believe everything you say it gets harder with each day. You said that you would never hurt me. Then why are u killing me now? I should have listened when half the world told me to leave you. I should have listen to my mind instead of my heart. My heart still loved u my mind was telling me to forget u. U tell me how u miss me but your still with her. You tell me:"I love you babe u know that", the truth is I don't know what I know. I don't know if what you say is true. I don't know if I can trust you. You told me they forced you to go out with her. I was thinking bull u cant b forced into doing anything. Just like that time she forced you to kiss her. How can u say u love me. When you tell her the same exact words. I new this was all too good to be true. I should have left you when I had the chance.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ashy

    Yea i think everything does happen for a reason and after i left him i was sad i man the whole cryin for days thing but then i found out that 3 days after we broke up he had another grl so yea didn't love him so much after that. we're still "friends" if thats wat u wann call it. n everyday he tells me he loves me n it hurts but that hurtin is startin to disappear n soon all of it will b gone. i think its better this way some sort of way that really sucks but thats in the past n i cant do anything about it but try n move on.

  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    Aww this is good. and so sad. but about your boy with the other girl, he said she was "just a friend"
    i`ve been through that with my ex. then after we broke up, we went out with her. it hurt, so i know how you feel. its hard...but everything happens for a reason...

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