Comments : Do u really?

  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    Aww this is good. and so sad. but about your boy with the other girl, he said she was "just a friend"
    i`ve been through that with my ex. then after we broke up, we went out with her. it hurt, so i know how you feel. its hard...but everything happens for a reason...

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashy

    Yea i think everything does happen for a reason and after i left him i was sad i man the whole cryin for days thing but then i found out that 3 days after we broke up he had another grl so yea didn't love him so much after that. we're still "friends" if thats wat u wann call it. n everyday he tells me he loves me n it hurts but that hurtin is startin to disappear n soon all of it will b gone. i think its better this way some sort of way that really sucks but thats in the past n i cant do anything about it but try n move on.