Remember when...

by phuckwithme_imsuperman   Mar 8, 2006

Remember when,
way back then,
when we first began,
we were so in love,
it was like a relationship,
sent straight from above,
i just fit like a glove,
tailor made,
for me to be with you,
to the grave,
when you left me,
i tryed,
to be so brave,
but every time i saw him,
with you,
it was like you stepping on my heart,
with your converse shoe,
i still love you,
though we are through,
i still wish,
it was just,
me and you...


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  • 19 years ago

    by J Lau

    Short and sweet... It's full of emotions and feeling. Good write! Keep writing. 5/5

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