Mothers Day


When i need a comforting hug you are always there
when i need fashion advice you tell me what not to wear
when i need someone to put me in my place you do just that
when i need a compliment you always tell me that i am not fat

when i was little you would chase the monsters away from underneath my bed
when i did something embarassing, you would kiss my cheeks gone rosy red
when i skinned my knee you would laugh at me to help take my mind off of the pain
whenever the lightning flashed you would tell me that it was just a little bit of rain

as a teenager i scared you with my suicidal ways
but you would always find a way to try and brighten my days
you help me with my guy troubles and you are there when i need someone to talk to
when i am falling down the path to depression again you take me by the hand and pull me through

when i am an adult i am sure you will help me out with my financial needs
and i will return the favor by helping you pull out life's little weeds
when my wedding day comes along and i marry my one true love
i want you to know that no matter what you do you have helped me way too much

As a grandmother i wish that you will accept everything that i do with my life
i will still come to you for advice
but now the day is here to awknowledge all that you have done for me in every possible way
this is my poem for you....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

© Jenna Elphick
Moms day 2005


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