Now.. its her

by JO   Mar 8, 2006

EVerything changed... now it's her you kiss everyday.. it's her that makes you smile... it's her that holds your hand... it's her you think about day and night.. it's her you talk to all the time... it's her you love... it's her in your heart.... and not me
it's her perfume you have on your shirt at the end of the day... it's her kisses that keep you up all night... it's her eyes you always see... and not mine... not anymore
no matter what I do i know i can never get you back... because it's her... who has your heart in her's her who took my place... and it's her who tastes your sweet lips... like I used to...
Picutres are everything i have left... pictures tell me that it was true... that it wasn't all a dream... that you were in fact once mine.... it also breaks my heart that you will never be mine again


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    Very nice, I like the sadness behind it. It so sad to watch someone you love or loved with someone else. You did a good job getting the message across, an enjoyable read. Great job.

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Omg dis is so gwd...i can so relate to it....lvoe dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by BeeBeeGun

    Thanks for the comment
    this poem is awsome great job
    sorry to hear bout this though

    you done a good job at writing how you felt keep up the good work