His Sweet Embrace.

by cassie   Mar 8, 2006

The air is cold,
The rain like ice,
The wind is blowing,
As quiet as mice.

Leaves on the ground,
Crunch under my feet,
But running through my ears,
Is my pounding heartbeat.

Darkness is thick,
As the tree slowly sways,
Its hard to believe,
hes been gone for days.

Although hes long gone,
His soul will still stay,
And watch over me,
Until my last day.

I put his photo,
Upon the wall,
And as it sways,
I watch it fall.

Tears flow slowly,
Down my face,
Oh how I miss,
His sweet embrace.


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  • Hey, I really like this poem...your a really good write too...i might stop writing poems, if i do i'll probaley jsut sumit some older poems i wrote in the past that used to be on here...well keep up the great work thanxs for the comment on my poem

    xoxo Sarah

  • 18 years ago

    by imyours4now

    God...this poem made me imagine which is always a good sign. Its so good. thanks for the comment, yeah if uv got msn, just add me, im always willing 2 talk 2 new friends. =)



  • Excellent!!! Love always Melissa

  • 18 years ago

    by Danielle

    This poem is great! I have felt this exact way many times. You are a great writer! Keep it up!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Loved this poem great job, thanks 4 your comment meant alot take care hun sarah x

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