
by xoxdeathgurlxox   Mar 8, 2006

I dont have anymore pain
misery I do not know
agony I cant feel
love I cannot show

happiness is all gone
I havent any fear
crying is overrated
because I havent any tears

courage has left me blank
kindness I never had
and though I really want to
I cant even be sad

anger all drained out
freedom is nowhere to me
and these things I hear now
my mind wont believe

Im never more afraid
because numbness is all I feel
I sit alone
but I dont even know
if loneliness is real

I write with these words
on this paper with this pen
to try to find my heart
so I can feel again


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kurt

    That was great. I liked how this was different from the over repeated ball your eyes out and i'm gonna cut and kill myself same old same old. Great job and nice out-of-the-box-work.

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