I love you so much

by kayla   Mar 8, 2006

I love you

It was the year 2002 it started out like a normal day, dad got us up for school. He was crying so we started too. He said girls, Lynnden died. I started to cry like crazy. I can't believe it. I lost my best friend, cousin and someone like a brother to me. I love you and I miss you. I still cry to this day. When it is your B- day and the day you died November 8, 2002 I remember it like it was yesterday. I don't know why god need's you. You was 16 years old. so someone plz tell me why. I need to no why. I love you now and forever. I will never forget you. How can you forget someone you love so much ?


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  • 18 years ago

    by carriann

    That was really good i loved it!!

  • 18 years ago

    by carriann

    That was really good i loved it!!

  • 18 years ago

    by ben brown

    Im sorry for wot happend allthe best

  • 18 years ago

    by LuVlYlUfFlY

    Very sad poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Passionatevoice

    That was really sad. I know how you feel. i lost my cousin in a car accident in January 18, 2004. And the eerie thing was that she was 18, and the day she died was the eighteenth of Jan. It's been 2 yrs but i still cry. so i know wut your going through.
