Existing as a Drop of Water

by ··¤(`×[¤Ðívïñë Ðî§tørtîøñ¤]×´)¤··   Mar 8, 2006

As a drop of water,
Is not the most glamorous thing, actually.

Ill have you know,
There is quite a vast amount of pain,
When you hit the earth,
The ground
The cheekbones...
Shattering into a million little
With no way to
Gravitys rules...

And really,
Getting turned into mist,
Isnt all that fun.
You get to live as water for
A short time before
You have to drop
And then
It starts all over...

The only thing
That I
Truly live for,
Is the exhilarating fall-
And floating
As if
I had no emotions
At all.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by mely

    It's kinda funny

  • 19 years ago

    by AntiSocial16

    Wow, amazing...from beginning to end! i especially liked the part where you said that all you really liked was the fall and the exciting drop from the sky.
    please keep writing and stay safe, strong, and healthy!

  • 19 years ago

    by Hurtingsoul

    This rhyming scheme was great it was if you were really a drop of rain. i love how you personificated it truly awesome
    Take care

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