Comments : Slit throat

  • 19 years ago

    by Forsaken Redeemer

    Hey, another great poem, i really liked these bits,

    'A gentle kiss,
    From the bullets,
    That sleep in your voice,
    A tragedy in your choice'


    'Speak your name,
    For all I care,
    A mouthful of blades,
    An inflamed body invades.'

    i really loved this poem, it's so intense and fiery!

    keep writing!!!

    great work, keep going.


  • 19 years ago

    by never_quite_me

    Great poem. i agree with Kirsten, the anger works well in it.the lines:
    'A gentle kiss,
    From the bullets,
    That sleep in your voice,
    A tragedy in your choice'
    are really powerful, good work:)
    thanks for your comment too.xx

  • 19 years ago

    by Azure :)

    I can feel your pain and anger. i am sorry. i hope things get better. god bless and really well writen * xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Lenny

    Wow that was great, personally not my favourite writing style but I liked it. Good vocab and rhyme combination couple of things Id do like checking grammar but overall a great piece.

  • 18 years ago

    by Monique

    first of all I would like to tahnk you for the comment on my poem. Now getting to this poem.. angry.. filled with angst, i loved it. the rhyme pattern was good, and well thoguth out. my fav stanza..
    A gentle kiss,
    From the bullets,
    That sleep in your voice,
    A tragedy in your choice.
    great choice of wrods. keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Lenny

    Thats really different, unique rhyme pattern, excellent vocab, a few lines dont seem consistent but I really like it. It has alot of potential.

  • 18 years ago

    by aliiiii

    I liked this poem, the rhyming was kinda different, I've never seen somebody write like that. But it was cool. Thanks for commenting again. I was just going through all the comments and I found yours. So thanks, and keep up the good writes! 5/5