What should i do

by lovehurts   Mar 8, 2006

Its been almost a year now, i just don't know why
these feelings i have, they just wont die
they keep me wondering just how you feel
and if we'll ever have something real
they keep me up half the night
questioning whether my feelings are right
we used to have something but you ended it fast
i thought that my feelings would just die in the past
but over the months i could see i was wrong
that my feelings were true i couldn't help holding on
we used to play mind games to see who would fold
you always ended up telling me the secrets you hold
i tried to play it cool so as not to blow my cover
but i think somehow we knew we should have been lovers


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  • 19 years ago

    by amber

    Hun, you ain't alone on this one . . .i know how you feel. . .wanna know wat the problem with guys are? their eyes are bigger than their hearts. Their only accept what they see and not what they feel. Guys are jass honkeys so don't worry about it. Actually i'm goin through the exact same thing you are right now and i don't know what to do. . .i'm better at givin advice than i am of getting it. No body can ever give me advice lol well girl. . .don't let him get you down. Guys arn't worth it. Do like someone once told me, "Bait your hook and go fishing, there's plenty of fish in the sea." i'm out
    thanks for the comment, check out some of my new ones and you'll see what i'm talkin about.