NO One

by Katie   Mar 9, 2006

Running for somewhere to hide
Looking for someone to confide
Friends are found
But none stay around
One stands out
Stayed when everyone else was gone
secrets unveiled
trust being gained but
deceit is growing black inside
the truth is causing fame
another friend lost
the cost of weakness was paid
people overwhelmed with concern
"it's okay to talk, am i to blame?"
now it seems like ive been shot
your pity is not what was wanted to be gained
you were never supposed to know
you'd never understand
the battle inside me continues to grow

incase u dont get it I trusted someone they saw my scars i told them my issues. She told on me and alot of people in my school know and the counsolers are all on me and i now have to go to therapy because I was weak and needed to tell somebody how i felt instead of sucking it in. and dealing with it myself


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    Wow, the same exact thing happened to the exact same thing. It's freaky. I too told someone I trusted that I cut, and she told the guidance counselors..and now I have to go to therapy. Well is a great poem and I'm here if you want or need to talk. I know exactly what you're going through.