I\'m Sorry

by Amy   Mar 9, 2006

I alway's thought i loved
you but i guess i was

You were alway's there for
me no matter what i went

But then i moved further
away from you that's
when i stared to wonder.

Do i really love you or am
i only hoping or wishing
that i do.

And now i don't know what
to do because i don't
wont to lead you on.

But now it's been so long me
and you i don't know
how to end it with out hurting you.

So i'm sorry if it dose there's
no other way with out
hurting you.

You'll alway's be there with
me no matter were i am
but this is good-bye

(i really thought i loved this guy so tell me what u think)


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bonnie Fowler

    Hey. i felt the same way about a guy last year. i didnt know how to end it so i told him how i felt. he ended up holding a gun to his head but i talked him out of it. yeah i know its terrible but hey we are back together now and i couldnt be any happier and you need to clear your mind. is there anyone else in your love life? Do you really love this guy? If you love him then listen to your heart, not your mind. AIM? i have it but my s/n is --> Ags blondee 2006

  • 19 years ago

    by Daniel Rutter

    I know it!!! Well If this is the way it has to be, then let it be this way!