In The Dark

by Jennifer   Mar 9, 2006

In the dark is where you find me
In the darkness i can see

I see pain and suffering
For darkness brings it all

But when you look down at me
You can watch me fall

In the dark i feel blind
And thats the way i like it to be

For if your in love
Your as blind as me

Don't move or you will trip
For darkness is all black

Some can't handle all of this
And just want light to come back

I know the truth
No one can ever understand me

And i want everyone to know
For me light will never be

Until my last breathe is caught
In the dark i will stay

To lose all mourning
Until my very last day


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  • 19 years ago

    by Stacie

    Hey you, I like this poem a lot you are really talented. Keep up the great work, feel proud cause I never comment anyones poems anymore, ever since I decided to quit writing poems alot, just reminds me. Anyways great poem. Take care of you.


  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Great poem got my 5 vote keep writing and take care hun sarah x