I knew

by CHRISTINE   Jan 22, 2004

I want you to know
That I don't blame you
I made my own self cry
I knew you felt nothing for me
I knew you only wanted a little attention with some affection
I just got lost somewhere

You were one of the first things I had ever longed for
I was overjoyed with your presences
Somewhere through time
In the back of my mind
I created my own version of you
I created perfection
A guy who was simply wonderful in almost every little way and just what I wanted
Even the things I wasn't so fond of
Even your flaws

I loved being with you
That's for sure
But I made up the part where you wanted to be with me too
I got myself to believe that you meant it
Meant when you said you missed me too
But I knew
You made it clear

You made it obvious with your so thoughtless kiss
Your unappreciative touch
Your lame words
Your not so great date

The guy I visioned wasn't there anymore
The one that used to like me
The one that was truly interested in me

The one I longed for vanished
And became someone who only wanted the good

Its my fault
I confused you with someone who doesn't exit
What I thought I had was really only what I wanted
I knew you felt nothing for me
I knew it
And I went for it anyway
So see, I don't blame you
I made my own self cry


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