Typical male

by Shae   Mar 9, 2006

I thought you were my angel
Sent from the heavens sky,

I thanked God for you
but now I wonder why.

You took a bow and arrow
And aimed it at my heart,

You let it rip through my soul
and left me torn apart.

I still wonder what went wrong
I loved you with out fail,

But above all else I figured out
Your just a typical male.

~one of my friends wanted to see what her poem would rate as but she doesn't have email so she can't sign up for this stuff.PLEASE read and comment this poem for her! :)thankyou!!~


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  • 19 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    That was a very nice poem, tell her that she really has the talent in writing poems i loved it 5/5 :) good job.
    and both of you plz write more i would love to read your poems :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Brian n Josh

    I liked your friends poem alot, i especially like the bow and arrow part

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