Where and Why?

by Anthony Vasconez   Mar 9, 2006

How can a person feel the way they do,
When liking someone is making them confused
Their heart is beating that special one's name
And hoping the other feels the same

Why does confusion come to mind?
On being together and every thing's fine
When you know this is not reality, just a dream
This is why I feel my life's moving up stream

At first my heart was drown by attraction,
And then his personality has gained my reaction
Where all I think about is holding his hand
And know in my mind, that this is my man

This may sound as if I'm in depression,
Or maybe even hiding some aggression,
But either or is the correct assumption
Its just my life is going through some resumption

But if my Romeo is who I think it could be,
Then my life will be fulfilled as poetry
But if he is not who he should be,
Then my heart will hurt and run away free

So here I am waiting to hear the results
As my body starts to tremble and hearts starts to halt
But I sit here patiently just waiting his presence
Just to open up my heart and leaving the absence

But either or, I will keep my head held high
And let nothing bother me as I hiding a lie
On missing or wanting that special guy
And not wanting my heart and sole to die


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  • 18 years ago

    by broken hearted me

    I really enjoyed this poem....keep up the good work..i think i will add u to my favorites!!! maybe u could read some of my poems sometime n tell em what you think!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Monique

    Hey there,
    FIrst of all I would like to thank you for commenting on my poem.:) Thanks you for the critisism. Now coming to your piece of writing. I love it, How old are you now? Hm... well the poem was heartfelt and id have to say my fav. stanza was..
    But either or, I will keep my head held high
    And let nothing bother me as I hiding a lie
    On missing or wanting that special guy
    And not wanting my heart and sole to die
    its beautiful.. I really have nothing negative to say about this piece of writing.:) 5/5 for sure..