Comments : To The People Of This Site

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence


    I know exactly what your talking about here, and I want to say congratz on making Gold. I remember that feeling, when i started out in June, I swore to myself I was just here so I could comment on a select fews poems, but as the months went by I needed to voice what could not be said, my silence, and just... your right you look back and you are a totally different person. Poetry is a gift, it opens those closed doors and helps you escape your own personal prisions. Fighter deary, You... you never stop amazing me, ever since I found your file, I've seen you grow... I've watched your emotions change, your styles, but what never change or will is that your amazing. And never ever forget it. Please forgive my on and on babbling lol, but... I'm proud of you. =)

    Much love
    Jenn x0x0x

  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    I no exactly wt your saying in this poem i feel it too, this site is a very gd thing not only to help with poetry skills and improve talents like yours but also to let feelings out and help with confidence and advice. anyway i loved the peom and thanx for thinking of us ur devoted gd luck in life. i agree with both pure silence and meena. take care.5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Sweet poem hun and i know what you mean the support on this site is amazing and i found this and talented caring people like you xxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    * i'm glad i found * xxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    So expressed what this site does for so many of us so well.
    I feel exactly the same, it's amazing.
    Im glad that this site and the people who have supported you have made you into the happier person you are today, that is definately a positive glow:P
    I hope we continure the tradition!
    Much love oxox

  • 19 years ago

    by :::...BaBeE.cHiCa...:::

    Yea thats so true like i've alwayz writen poems but reading other ppls poems i can realli relate as that inner demon in me has been unchained and i feel free and less confussed cuz i understand more of myself

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Well, i have been through the same, i could relate myself very much with every word. Great work indeed.

    All the best and take care