What have i done..

by Sara   Mar 10, 2006

She sits in her room with the door locked.
She hopes no one walks in on her, holding the blade to her wrist.
Trying to get ride of this pain she can not resist.

She is crying, so hurt and confused
for the boy she once loved, has played with her heart and left it abused.

She sits there wondering what to do.
She once had the perfect life
-family that cared, a boyfriend that loved her, and friends that knew how she felt.

But now she does not speak of her pain.
For when she does, they all call her crazy and tell her to get over him.
But she cant get over him, because she still loves him even though he broke her heart.

So she sits there..
Wondering if this blade will be her new friend, and understand the pain she feels inside.
She decides it's time to try something, anything to get over his boy.

She takes the blade, slowly to her wrist.
She pushes harder untill can see the red blood coming out.
She sits there crying, and wondering why he had to do this to her..

She sits there and stares at the beautiful red blood flowing out.
She sits there and wonders..what have I done...
Is this the end of my pain..or the beginning of something new..

**Please RRC this.. this is like my first actual poem that i have published or w/e you wanna call it..i know it sucks..and i would like some help on what i could do to improve my poems..thanks!**


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  • 18 years ago

    by burning666

    Gez if thats your first i cant wait to see your second!! great stuff

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    I love it..i think it is a awsome poem and you should write more..its really good..

  • 18 years ago

    by Julia

    Thank you for the comments!! you're very nice.. and i like your poems too.

    this one is really good.. it really touched me (lol! like you said sounds sorta creepy and gay) but it really did and i feel your pain. never stop writing..!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel

    This is very good. If this poem is true, then this boy is worthless and you're way too good for him. thanks so much for the comment on mine.

  • 18 years ago

    by hiding behind a smile

    Hey hey,
    I really loved the poem and I feel like that sometimes. If you ever wanna talk just let me know. luv ya
    thanks for commenting