Why Can't Life Be Like The Movies?

by Tonyel   Mar 10, 2006

Why can't real life be like a movie
where it's always happy in the end
The leading man and leading lady
always wind up together again

The good guy escapes the dilemma
The girl always lands by his side
The doctors discover a miracle cure
And there's always a white horse to ride

The hero might be sitting so sadly
when suddenly out of the blue
The lover he was missing so badly
returns to him exactly on queue

You may think the movie will end
with the two of them lost in a chase
but the writers planned it so cleverly
that they end in a loving embrace

In real life it's never so scripted
the two lovers are together no more
Alone you will walk towards the sunset
no girl, no love, and lonely for sure

Why couldn't my life follow a storyline
like Hollywood writes all the time
Then everything would wind up so happy
And together, my love, you'd be mine

My movie has no happy ending
The plot has no twists and no turns
You left me for whatever reason
Forever my heart for you now yearns

Yes, why can't life be like a movie
and I'll find you around the next bend
The script leaves me alone and without you
Lights out and the screen says...

The End


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