Loved me to death

by Ellieh   Mar 10, 2006

Fragile are the tormented souls that shift through our world
looking neither left nor right
Forgive me for what Ive become
It wasn't my idea
Please love me someone

I'm stuck between Heaven and Hell
My wings are waiting to fly
but my shackles wont let me leave
they wont let me fly

I told you i loved you
you said you felt the same
but was all just a big game
you never loved me
It was always lust

Shackled to you as i am
ill just do the best i can
whispering in your ear that you killed her
Someone will find the body

Maybe he loved me a little to much
Maybe he didn't mean to do it
Maybe if i hadn't said i was carrying his child
Now both of us are gone
and I'm surrounded in light
wishing he would just give up and i could follow the light

But he killed me and my child and for that he must pay
ill wait by his side every day
Alone i feel
scared i am
wishing i could go elsewhere
but i cannot till i have avenged my child's death


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  • 19 years ago

    by Nahibi Maldonado

    Whoa! I like this poem, it's w ay dark. Keep up the good work!