Live To Die Another Day

by Greg   Mar 10, 2006

Live to die another day
Wish I could just take this pain away

Wondering if this pain will forever stay
Or would I slowly begin to fade away

Pains from a broken heart
How could I tell her, where would I start

Tell her how much I love her
And how much I didnt want us to fall apart

As I am lost, I dont know where to start
These are pains from a broken heart

These memories in my head, and in my heart
Begin to ache, and have me falling apart

Cant decide weather to stay or go
Why would I stay, I do not know

As I decide to go
Please some one let her know.

Let her know that I love her
And that I wanted us to grow

I never meant for her to go
Didnt want to lose her, no

For I was lost, wasnt strong
I couldnt live life with her gone.

Crying at night so many times,
Wishing I could just hold her hand

And have her just be mine
I was wishing, for her, all the time.

But she was gone, wasnt mine
As I was stuck with idle time

Idle time, selfish thoughts
No one knew, no one thought

Heartbreak was all I got
It was all I gained.

As I end this pain
No more will my tears flow like rain

A happy ending I didnt gain
Dont live your life in vain

Tell her that, I cried when it rained
Tell her I love her, and sorry for the pain

Didnt mean to have her go, to have her leave
To make her walk out on me

Tell her I waited for her to come back
Strength and faith is what I lacked

Viscous slander attacked
Causing you not to come back

For now I am gone no where to be found
As I lie face down in the ground

Knife threw my heart, causing me to fall down
Lying in the ground was where my body was found.

He died with the truth, she should have listened
Then both there lifes, would have glisten.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Fluffy

    An emotive poem. Full of atmospheric language and feeling. Well written and your writting engages with its reader.

    Much love and God bless,

  • 18 years ago

    by Jeanette

    Stay....thats wut u should do...maybe ull get ashley back u can never doubt it

  • 18 years ago

    by keirstin

    Hey thats a gr8 poem..but u should stay not go...

  • 19 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey awesome poem I love're really good. Well I have to go...I will talk to you later BYE!