Sorrowful hauntings

by demonicpossesion   Mar 10, 2006

I lost u over a year ago
yet i still hurt like it was yesterday
i hate the fact that we don't talk
i miss you like mad but only 1 person knows

i didn't want to let you go
yet due to lies i had no choice
i loved you more than you knew
so much so it still hurts

i remind my self of your ways and of your feel
just by looking at images of you

i miss your smile
i miss your laugh
i miss your hugs
but most of all i miss your presence

i wish we were still that way
the way where we could lay in each others arms
I'd give my life to hold you once more
and to watch you sleep in my arms

I'd protect you from everything
I'd give all away for you
yet it'll never happen so who am i kidding
I'll never love anyone the same
as the way i loved you


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  • 16 years ago

    by Sarah

    I can relate to this =) its really good.
    I vote 5 =)

  • 19 years ago

    by **Stacy**

    So so sad. great poem. 5/5