by carol   Mar 11, 2006

I thought i could trust you
but it looks like i cant
you said you know what i was going though
but you were wrong

i can never trust you again
you called me a lier on to many times
you know whats going on
and you know its no a lie

so i don't know why you would
say something like that to a friend
i don't know if you like me as a friend

i trusted you
and now i cant
you lost all my trust for ever
i don't think i can forgive you this time

i wont trust you ever again
I'm sick of you saying you shit
it makes me so mad at you
i don't know if we can be friends

its up to you if you
of you want to be friends
your the one saying I'm lining
when you know its you

you know what i have been though
and you don't care
i cared about you so much
that i hurt myself

caring for someone thats like my sister
i don't know i can call you that
you don't know me any more
so what will it be?

by:carol walker 3-10-06


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