Please watch where you step (it can't breathe anymore)

by Unrequited   Mar 11, 2006

I meant to do this earlier
the empty feeling cold
i break you in
and breathe it out
lips on skin
desire left without
can't get it inside you
can't get it inside you
i want to feel
my heart all around you
but the dark grabs hold
and the fingers play games
with my head
my head

deep sea divers
into the depths
of the angry waters
i cry this out of my eyes
and fill the sea
with thoughts of vermilion
and i now hang my head
in shame
while fingers play games
inside me

a sad man sulking in the corner
wanting touch,
yet wishes not to feel
he breathes on glass
die! and forget me not
please destroy the past
i can't remember who i was
or where i am going
all it does is spin
me into circles
i painfully vomit.

and there it is;
my heart upon the surface
cold, and in dire need of a home
it can't breathe anymore.

no skin
jaws still chewing that same piece of gum
just don't judge me,
i did what i had to do
i feel it now
rip into my chest
i am sick in the head
sick in the head
no cure in sight
my path only leads to no good
fading into the background
on a sheet of ice that does not plan to return
if the innocent must die,
then let them die first

as the blade slashes my eyes
stop the bleeding and sew them shut?
the race isn't over yet
i lie motionless on the concrete,
but it isn't over
icy silence

kiss my bones before they bury them
let me feel the lips
i'm not much different from you
but at least your heart had a home
it can't breathe anymore.

but come now, let us smile about it
about it all
everything we've done
that dog looks like he wants to bite me
if he does, he will be sorry
the voices i hear will haunt him
tantalizingly afraid of the secrets that aren't even true

fingers inside my brain
picking at me
licking at me
poking and probing to find my little nugget of knowledge
look harder, it must be there somewhere
or maybe, i killed it already
in a fit of rage
oh well

the man in the corner cries no more,
sulks no more
he received a glimpse of me, my life
now his appears to be so much better
now i jump
from a great height eternal
and hope to receive your blessing.

when you step across that pile of vomit, please be sure to not squish my heart-
some poor soul may want it (for some unknown and illogical reason).


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