Comments : Steal a Soul

  • 19 years ago

    by aga

    WOW three words I LOVE THIS
    (poem tee hee)
    its so sad....

  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    *gasps* I'm speechless. I was just gonna take a break from reading, but then I saw you added a new one, so I had to read it.. Which was a good idea.. One of my best ideas.. Hah.. Oh sorry I'm rambling..

    *ahum*.. Allright.. back to buisness.. erm... I don't know, no matter what I would say it would be too less. But I'll give it a try..

    It's a well thought out poem. It's a poem that stops you to think about what you said. I got a bit confused and read it again.. and again.. and again.. haha.. Loved it.. I really did.. Almost every phrase was a lesson Ghehe.

    Well done once again =)

    Lotsaa love -xxxxxxxxxxx-

  • 19 years ago

    by Darien

    Wow, this poem stands alone in my eyes. It is the best of the 3 I've read so far, and yet it brings in a sense of the first two poems. I am expecting a big ending, and I am hoping you amaze me :P

  • 19 years ago

    by Sole

    I'm running out of words - and I don't want my comments to seem 'copy and pasted' But that is a great expression through poetry. :)

    Peace. [Sole]