Tonight Is Cold

by Jake   Mar 11, 2006

Tonight is cold
Piercing like a needle
The Moon shines so bright
Bright as any star.

It is the guiding light
For all the wandering souls
Who have yet to find their way
Their way to paradise

The moon rival to the sun
Glows an ominous glow
As if to accompany the cold
While the sun rages and flames

Rages so fierce and mighty
Like the lion, king of the animals
It sits in the center
Watching as we spin

Spin and live our little lives
Unaware of the battle above
As the sun and moon quarrel
We press on like nothing happens

I sit in this piercing chill
Accompanied by the moon
And it's ominous glow
Smoking the days last cigarette

Wondering when I'll be drug into it
Into the epic battle above
Will it be tomorrow?
The next day?

Maybe even a month from now
Who knows when the skies will take me
Or even if they will
They might leave me in the ground

As they battle for all eternity
I will still be sitting
Waiting for them to take me

Tonight is cold
Like the moons glow
Tonight is cold.


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  • 17 years ago

    by checkerboard

    I really like it i would give it a 5.